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Title for news: Scarlett Johansson files lawsuit against ChatGPT for voice infringement: Key details in 5 points !

The impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has sparked numerous discussions regarding the potential harm it could cause to human beings. This emerging technology, if misused, can present problems for individuals, as evidenced by various incidents in the past. For instance, there have been cases where writers collectively sued OpenAI for training ChatGPT on their books without obtaining permission. Additionally, actors have raised concerns about AI companies using their likeness for marketing purposes.

These instances have prompted many people to express their worries about the unethical utilization of AI. Recently, Hollywood actress Scarlett Johansson has garnered attention for taking legal action against ChatGPT. According to a statement obtained by NBC News, Johansson claims that ChatGPT 4o’s Sky voice closely resembles her own. She further disclosed that OpenAI CEO Sam Altman had initially approached her to provide the voice for ChatGPT, but she declined the offer.

Here are the key details of the story, summarized in five points.

  1. Scarlett Johansson disclosed on Monday that OpenAI utilized a voice that bore a striking resemblance to hers for their ChatGPT 4o chatbot, despite her refusal to provide her voice. Johansson mentioned that OpenAI CEO Sam Altman approached her last September, believing that her voice could serve as a bridge between technology and the general public.
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