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PM Modi’s Lok Sabha Speech Live: “A Child Celebrating a 99 Mark Sheet” – PM Modi Takes Aim at Rahul Gandhi !

During PM Modi’s speech, opposition MPs have been continuously causing a disturbance. Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla reprimanded opposition leader Rahul Gandhi, stating that they were given an opportunity to speak and such disruption should not have occurred. He further emphasized that their behavior violated the decorum of the Parliament by entering the well.

In 2024, the people have once again entrusted Congress with a mandate, stated PM Modi.

Prime Minister Modi stated that the Congress party has faced a significant setback by failing to surpass the 100-seat mark for three consecutive occasions, marking it as the third largest defeat in the party’s history. It would have been more appropriate for the Congress to acknowledge its defeat gracefully. The public mandate in 2024 clearly indicated their preference for the Congress party to assume the role of the opposition.

Congress is attempting to entertain itself by boasting about its success – Prime Minister Modi clarified using an illustration.

PM Modi further elaborated on the reasons behind Congress claiming victory. To illustrate, he drew a comparison to how adults distract a child who has fallen off a bicycle by pointing out a bird flying away. In a similar manner, these individuals are finding ways to amuse themselves.

PM Modi launches a major offensive against Rahul Gandhi.

PM Modi criticized Rahul Gandhi and recounted an anecdote. He recalled a situation where a boy proudly paraded after achieving 99 marks, garnering praise from others. However, the teacher pointed out that there was no reason to congratulate him, as he had not scored a perfect 100, but rather 99 out of 543.

PM Modi criticizes Rahul Gandhi, stating that Congress has transformed into a parasitic entity.

PM Modi criticized the Congress, cautioning its members not to become too complacent in their perceived victory. He urged them to acknowledge the will of the people and to do so with integrity. He also directed his message to the allies of the Congress, warning them of the implications of the election results. He predicted that the Congress party would be labeled as a parasitic entity in the future, likening it to a parasite that consumes its host.

What did Congress achieve on its own? PM Modi told in Lok Sabha

PM Modi stated that in constituencies where BJP and Congress directly competed, Congress performed poorly. In states where one party allied with the other, the junior partner of Congress had a 50 percent success rate. The majority of Congress’ 99 seats were secured by their allies. In areas where Congress contested independently, their vote share decreased.

PM Modi targets Congress’ guarantees

PM Modi accused the Congress party of sowing chaos in the nation. He claimed that the party contradicts itself by speaking against different regions in the country. Furthermore, he stated that the Congress openly promotes divisive narratives between castes. According to PM Modi, the Congress is deliberately working to create economic chaos in the country, using their election promises as a means to achieve this goal.

PM Modi Lok Sabha Speech Live: PM launches a scathing attack on Rahul Gandhi in Lok Sabha

PM Modi attacked Rahul Gandhi and said that yesterday the child Buddhi was crying in the House. Drama was done to gain sympathy. He is forgetting that he is out on bail in the case of embezzlement of thousands of crores of rupees. He has been punished for calling OBC class thieves. 

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