PM Modi made a sarcastic remark in the Rajya Sabha, questioning the inspiration of Congress from the British ?

Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched a scathing criticism against the Congress party, accusing them of being influenced by the British and perpetuating a colonial mindset even after India gained its independence.

During his response to the Motion of Thanks on the President’s address in Rajya Sabha, PM Modi highlighted the close association between the British and the Raja-Maharajas in the past. He questioned who exactly was inspired by the British, without explicitly mentioning the birth of the Congress party.

PM Modi further questioned why the Congress, during its time in power, did not make any efforts to change the colonial-era laws under the Indian Penal Code or rename Rajpath. He emphasized that if the Congress was not influenced by the British, then why did they allow these laws and practices to continue.

The Prime Minister also raised the issue of India’s Budget being tabled at 5 pm, a tradition that originated from the British Parliament convening at that time in the morning. He questioned why this tradition was continued if the Congress was not inspired by the British.

PM Modi further highlighted the presence of symbols of slavery in India and questioned why they were still prevalent if the Congress was not influenced by the British. He stated that his government is actively working towards removing these symbols one by one.

Lastly, the Prime Minister criticized the Congress for not constructing a war memorial to honor the brave soldiers who sacrificed their lives for the country.


