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ISRO: Uncontrolled re-entry of a portion of the Chandrayaan-3 launched vehicle into the Earth’s atmosphere!

The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) reported that the LVM3M4 launch vehicle’s cryogenic upper stage, which was responsible for the successful deployment of Chandrayaan- 3 into its designated orbit on July 14 this year, made an uncontrolled re-entry to the Earth’s atmosphere.

The rocket body was part of the LVM-3 M4 launch vehicle, it said.

Re-entering Earth’s atmosphere on Wednesday at 14:42 hrs. “Preliminary guidance indicates that the likely point of impact is over the northern Pacific Ocean,” the ISRO said. The last trajectory didn’t pass over India. The rocket body re-entered the earth’s atmosphere within the first 124 days after its launch, thus meeting the 25-year rule for objects in low-Earth orbit, as reported by the IADC, according to ISRO.

Following Chandrayaan-3 injection, the upper stage was also “decommissioned” to remove all residual propellant and energy sources to reduce the risk of accidental explosions in accordance with space debris mitigation guidelines set by the United Nations and IADC. Was said.

“The deactivation and post-mission disposal of this rocket body in compliance with internationally accepted guidelines once again reaffirms India’s commitment to maintaining the long-term sustainability of outer space activities,” ISRO said.

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