The highly anticipated theatrical trailer for “Hanu-Man,” the magnum opus directed by Prasanth Varma, has finally been released. Opening with the iconic Anjanadri, the trailer sets the stage for an epic story. We are introduced to the antagonist, who acquires extraordinary abilities through scientific means, while the protagonist receives divine assistance from Lord Hanuman. One particularly awe-inspiring scene showcases Lord Hanuman breaking free from the ice that surrounds him.
Spanning three minutes, the trailer provides a glimpse into the film’s grandeur and stunning visual effects. Teja Sajja is a perfect fit for the role of an underdog who attains superpowers and embarks on a mission to save the world.
The production values of “Hanu-Man” are exceptional, thanks to the contributions of K Niranjan Reddy from PrimeShow Entertainments. Mark your calendars, as this extraordinary film will hit theaters on January 12th.