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Elon Musk reveals Tesla’s Optimus Gen 2 robot, capable of boiling eggs, dancing, & performing additional tasks !

The concept of humanoid robots has been a popular theme in fiction, with numerous movies exploring this idea and captivating audiences of all ages. Interestingly, Elon Musk appears to be on the verge of transforming this concept into reality.

Recently, Musk introduced Optimus Gen 2, a humanoid robot that goes beyond mere walking and talking. These advanced robots possess impressive walking speed, intricate hand movements, and even tactile sensations on their fingers.

Musk shared a demo video of the robot on X, accompanied by a simple caption, “Optimus.” The video showcases the evolution of previous versions of the humanoid robot, which were introduced in 2021 and 2022. The latest iteration of Optimus is significantly more advanced, capable of performing exercises, boiling eggs, and even dancing. Its design is as sleek and stylish as that of a human.

Let’s delve into the background of Optimus and its previous generations. Tesla Optimus, also known as Tesla Bot, is a conceptual humanoid robot currently under development by Tesla. It was initially announced at the company’s AI Day event in 2021 and aims to be a versatile robot capable of handling various tasks, particularly those that are unsafe, repetitive, or mundane for humans.

Optimus is still a work in progress, and Tesla has been regularly releasing updates to showcase its advancements. The latest update, Gen 2, represents the most recent progress in its development.

In 2022, Tesla unveiled a prototype that could walk and perform simple tasks like lifting objects. During the unveiling, Elon Musk proudly stated, “This is literally the first time a robot has been operated without any tethers on stage tonight,” as videos demonstrated the robot’s ability to pick up objects and water plants. Musk emphasized the importance of avoiding any mishaps during the presentation.

During the initial unveiling in 2021, Tesla highlighted that Optimus is powered by a custom Tesla computer chip, providing the necessary processing power for complex tasks. Similar to a smartphone, it remains connected to WiFi and LTE, enabling remote updates and control. The robot also boasts audio capabilities for clear communication and built-in cybersecurity features to ensure secure operation.

The machine is powered by a 2.3 kilowatt-hour battery, which is significantly more efficient compared to conventional robots. This allows for extended operation without the need for frequent recharging.

The introduction of the Optimus Gen 1 took place in March of this year, followed by the release of additional information about the robot in September. Among the noteworthy details, it was revealed that Teslabot utilizes end-to-end neural networks, the same advanced technology found in Tesla’s electric cars. A demonstration video showcased Teslabot engaging in yoga, capturing our attention.

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