Mukesh Ambani, during the Vibrant Gujarat Summit, referred to Reliance as a Gujarati firm and expressed his opinion on the most successful PM..

Both Narendra Modi and Mukesh Ambani hail from Gujarat, a highly prosperous state in India, and have played significant roles in the Vibrant Gujarat Summit.

Mukesh Ambani declared at the Vibrant Gujarat summit that Reliance will forever be a company rooted in Gujarat. As Asia’s second wealthiest individual, he commended Prime Minister Narendra Modi, hailing him as the most accomplished prime minister in India’s history. Both Ambani and Modi hail from Gujarat, a state known for its prosperity. Ambani emphasized the significance of Gujarat in India’s growth, stating that when people envision a new India, they think of a new Gujarat.

He attributed this transformation to PM Modi, whom he considers the greatest global leader of our time. Ambani also highlighted that one-third of Reliance’s $150 billion investments in India were made in Gujarat alone. He concluded by affirming that Reliance has, is, and will always be a Gujarati company, having invested a substantial amount in creating world-class assets and capacities across India in the past decade.

Mukesh Ambani referred to the Vibrant Gujarat Summit as the most esteemed investors’ summit globally. He emphasized that this summit has been ongoing for an impressive 20 years, showcasing its continuous growth and significance. Ambani expressed his admiration for Prime Minister Modi’s vision and unwavering commitment, attributing the summit’s success to him. It is worth noting that the summit was initiated by Narendra Modi during his tenure as the chief minister of Gujarat.

Ambani confidently stated that nothing can hinder India’s path to becoming a 35 trillion-dollar economy, while also predicting that Gujarat’s economy alone will reach 3 trillion dollars. He further highlighted the current era as the opportune time for young individuals to enter the economy, innovate, and enhance the quality of life for millions of people. Ambani commended Prime Minister Modi for his dual role as a nationalist and an internationalist, asserting that he has laid a strong foundation for India’s development as a fully-fledged nation. Ultimately, Ambani firmly believes that India’s economic growth is unstoppable, and Gujarat will play a significant role in achieving this remarkable milestone.


